4 Comments on “Why Contractors Need to Embrace Review Sites”

  1. Caron Construction
    I completely agree! Reviews for businesses such as restaurants have been important for quite some time, but nowadays, pretty much any business can thrive or fail based on it's online reputation. Unfortunately, most businesses have no idea how to manage their online reputation. Our construction company will definitely benefit from out efforts to get more reviews.
  2. WCCA Handyman
    Wow, couldn't have said it better myself! Review sites are a must if you want to be successful in this day and age of having a successful business. But it's not just reviews that can help a business grow, it has to be "good" or better and thus weeds out the good businesses from the bad. Still, a lot of businesses out there don't understand the power of review sites and still rely on word of mouth advertising, which is great also, why not do both? Thanks for such an eye opening article!

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