Content Lessons From High School Football

Getting to the goal line

Can a high school football game uncover content lessons for B2B companies? You bet, at least in the mind of this content writer. While watching the game I get an understanding of why it’s important to assess opponents, signal a new play, execute, and connect with an audience. Watch this video that shows a fake handoff by the quarterback, a play that initiates a 65-yard run to score a touchdown. That play didn’t just happen. It was planned.

Understand your Opponents

Your competition is one form of opponent but another is the customer who struggles with his or her end goals, resources and budget. Content that acknowledges those concerns is like good blockers paving the way for the quarterback’s run.

Signal a New Play

If the passes are not caught and the handoffs go nowhere, reimagine your role. No football game is the same and the same holds true for company initiatives. High school kids hear from the coach: “Don’t repeat your mistakes, learn from them.” For companies, content is measureable. Sometimes it takes a bit of tweaking but you can reach your content goals. Yesterday’s content won’t support new ideas.


Watch what the quarterback does to make the opponent team change direction. You want your content to do the same – get your audience to change direction toward your solution. Get them thinking differently about what is important, performance and balancing cost.

You Gotta Feel It

Include some sensory element that allows your audience to experience emotion. At the football game you hear the roar of the crowd and clapping. Content writers use language and visual design to create mood and tone.

Add an unexpected connection the way this home game announcer did after reporting the touchdown play: “That a boy.” And, “This kid is deceivingly fast.” As for the quarterback, he said: “Just before the play I had a feeling: ‘This is it.” That’s the feeling your content can relay: This is it.