Can the iPad Launch a Golden Age for Magazines?

I watched an interesting webinar from FIPP (The Worldwide Magazine Media Association) about the effectiveness of printed and digital magazine content, based on some new research. The strengths of magazines are worth noting:

1) Successful magazines have a personality and interest that matches that of the consumer.

2) Consumers read with “focused attention.” There is little multi-tasking, compared to other media.

3) People make time to read magazines, and often read at more than one sitting.

In a study conducted in India by the Association of Indian Magazines,  9 0f 10 people do nothing else while reading a magazine. For 8 of 10 readers, advertisements weren’t viewed as an interruption, but part of the experience.

Studies shows a higher degree of engagement with ads in iPad apps vs. digital editions or print editions of a magazine.

FIPP’s research consultant Guy Consterdine expects “iPad apps to bring about the “Golden Age of the Magazine.”

Do you agree?

Content marketers should be striving for closer  relationships with their customers. Relationships not unlike the one that a good magazine has with its readers. Is your content trusted? Does your content reflect the brand’s personality and interests? Is your content worthy of  focused attention? Publishers have known for a long time that surrounding sales messages with content is an effective way to put readers in the mood for related content. Do the same.

Think about how your content engages. Do you make it easy for customers to engage? Do you make it clear what will come next? If potential buyers are interrupted by another task, do you have a way to bring them back into the sales process? Are you asking for a purchase too soon?

That’s a lot of questions, but you need to find answers if you are going to improve.  Let your customer be the guide as you focus on creating the right next steps. It’s more likely to be the golden age for content, on any device.