Does Your B2B Content Writer Seek Out Brand Love?

I love Rainbow Cone. The ice cream cone establishment is an 86-year-old icon on the South Side of Chicago. As I savored their five layers of deliciousness yesterday, I thought B2B brands have more difficulty getting the same level of emotional connection with their customers. After all, business decisions are supposed to be made on facts, not emotion.

You won’t often find B2B buyers lighting up the social media boards with love for their vendors.  Yet brand loyalty is very strong. What if there was a way to draw positive commentary out of customers in a natural way? As B2B content writers we know how to ask the kinds of questions that reveal emotional connections that drive brand loyalty.

In construction, when things are going good, perhaps one vendor is just as good as another. But best in class suppliers are defined by how they respond when something goes wrong (even when it isn’t their fault). To convey a contractor’s brand love, a content writer should ask if the brand or dealer ever came through for them when they needed it.  For example, when a machine was down or a product needed to be expedited how did they respond. The answer should reflect appreciation for a supplier who shared the contractor’s urgent need for a solution.

In foodservice, recipes and their ingredients are often secret, if not sacred. A chef’s brand love might be revealed through a question about substituting ingredients. The answer conveys a message about quality, tradition and long term relationships, without sounding boastful.

For concert tour truck fleets, on-time arrivals are everything. A content writer might ask the tour manager how the fleet came through for them when something was inadvertently left behind, or damaged in transit. Dramatic situations turn ordinary B2B relationships into extraordinary ones.

Emotional connections between B2B buyers and sellers may not be as visible to marketers as they are in the B2C world, but they do exist.  Content writers expose them with revealing questions designed to bring out all the love you need.