Savoring Content at NRA Show in Chicago

Nearly two thousand food service manufacturers, restaurant and hospitality product brands from more than 100 countries are exhibitting under one roof at this year’s National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. Reasons to attend shows like this hold true. See the latest innovations and connect with others in the industry. Marketers, salespeople and product experts shared with us their views on content, industry trends and challenges.

Supporting the live interaction at the Show is content. Marketers tell us they are challenged with trying to create enough quality content through multiple channels. A walk down the aisles here show what “multiple” can mean. Content appears in all shapes and forms – video on flat screen TVs, print brochures, electronic QR codes, apps and real time signage. It is enough to overwhelm or exhilarate the senses. Here, food is a passion and the visual displays are beautifully executed in most booths.

The Show also serves as a kind of Oscars for those in the Restaurant, Food & Beverage and Hospitality industries. Awards were given to operator accomplishments, kitchen and food & beverage product innovations. The Spin Zester won an award in the kitchen product innovation category. Here is a brief interview with the product creator, a baker who found a better way to zest.

The company, Zip Zester, supports and expands the Spin Zester audience through a well designed website, blog and social media.

At the Show, the niche companies demonstrate successful strategies in segmentation and messaging. In this video Grecian Delight Corporate Chef Michael Zeller talks about what he’s serving up for attendees who enjoy authentic Greek and specialty Mediterranean foods. Visitors to the company’s website can search for products and recipes.

Exhibitors and NRA Show organizers are doing a wonderful job of engaging visitors and creating a multi-sensory experience for attendees. Adding to the ambience is content that captures the imagination and savors key messages.