Lost in Translation: Content Writing for a Global Audience

Companies looking to expand globally need to be cognizant of how their website content translates into foreign languages. There are some general guidelines to follow to ensure smooth translations.

Keep copy clear and concise

Clear and concise copy is always a good idea, but this is especially important with a global audience. Avoid using slang, cultural references and figures of speech. These terms may not translate well.  Clearly spell out all industry acronyms to avoid confusion.

Use short sentences

Long sentences can be difficult to translate and confusing to your audience, so avoid them. Shorter sentence are more easily scanned and understood by global web visitors.

Allow for text expansion

Most translations will run 20 percent longer than English, so plan your layout accordingly. Resizing some images can give you the extra space you need.

Remember global search terms may be different

Marketers looking to attract a global audience also need to recognize how language impacts their search engine optimization. Keywords may be completely different in different languages or even in the same language. For example, “construction equipment” is called “plant” in the U.K.

Get professional help with translations

Professional translation services are the best way to ensure good communication with a global audience. However, if that is not in your budget, consider creating a single landing page in multiple languages.

Don’t forget the measurements

Specifications are as important as the copy. Buyers need to ensure that products are the right size for their application so be sure to include metric measurements.

Global markets represent a tremendous opportunity for marketers, but websites need to consider the global audience. Follow best practices to ensure that meaning isn’t lost in translation. Give global buyers the confidence they need to purchase with useable information. Have you thought about expanding globally?