Find the Best Whitepaper Topics

Whitepapers have proven their worth as lead generation tools, but coming up with the best whitepaper topics for your business can be a marketing challenge. A professional whitepaper writer experienced in your industry can not only complete the writing work, but can also brainstorm fresh topic ideas. Start with a clear understanding of the needs of your audience.

Here are some of the methods we use to generate whitepaper topics:

  1. Conduct customer interviews and visit social media forums to hear problems described firsthand.
  2. Review trade magazines and their websites for potential topic areas.
  3. Look at the agendas of conferences in your industry to see what topics are being covered.
  4. Review current industry research related to audience needs and buying practices.

Professional service firms should consider whitepapers that position their firms as industry thought leaders.

Being the first to delve into a new trend or topic can quickly position your firm as an expert. However, be careful not to write an opinion piece. Whitepaper readers expect objectivity. A professional writer understands how to utilize third party data to present a compelling case.

Construction firms might consider from a whitepaper on sustainable building practices or using new technologies.

Food service suppliers might consider a whitepaper on food safety, sustainability or labor-saving best practices.

Case studies can also be effective whitepapers, particularly when they feature high profile clients.

When it comes to finding the best whitepaper topic, the choices are many, but using a professional writer with industry experience to brainstorm fresh ideas is a smart choice– a professional writer already has a good understanding of what your audience is looking for.

Are whitepapers part of your 2012 B2B marketing plan?