Content Strategy Insights of the Week

Below is a digest of interesting insights on the topic of content strategy published this week on the Web.

9 Hard-Hitting Content Strategies for Small Business Blogging by Neil Patel. Learn about good strategies for determining your blogging objectives, tools for understanding your reader, and questions to ask when evaluating the quality of content you are producing.

Market Watch reports that Amazon is growing its control over content by producing its own lineup of shows. The push towards original content production has not yet been officially acknowledged by the company.

Lisa Gerber shares a compelling story on how an article published in 2003 helped her find the services she needed. And why companies should track where their customers first heard about them.

John Haydon describes how the new Facebook timeline changes how visitors will interact with business pages. Included is a video tutorial on everything you need to know about converting your Page over to the new Timeline.

Content Strategy for SEO: Tips to Ensure Success “… content strategy takes the center place of the overall SEO strategy and makes up the major factor of SEO success,” writes Anthony Saladino. He is not an SEO expert but is the Co-Founder and CEO of Kitchen Cabinet Kings, a leading online distributor of quality bathroom and kitchen cabinets.

Denise Zimmerman describes how a transmedia content strategy should support the overall brand/marketing strategy, be  consistent and integrate across platforms. She includes common measurement guidelines.

Each of these writers can see the bigger picture when creating a piece of content. The strategy behind their efforts puts them ahead of the crowd when it comes to content creation.  Other gems on content strategy you would like to share?