Take Advantage of “Halo Effect” in Content

The halo effect describes how one characteristic can affect the perception of another. If you have a beautifully designed website, chances are its content will be viewed favorably as well. Such influence impacts how the whole company is perceived. The opposite is true too. A poorly designed website and one with weak content can reflect badly on the company.

The halo effect can be applied to the sequence of descriptive words in a sentence. Psychologist Solomon Asch used the following two descriptions of two people and solicited comments on their personalities.

Allen: Intelligent – industrious – impulsive – critical – stubborn – envious

Ben: Envious – stubborn – critical – impulsive – industrious – intelligent

Most people viewed Allen more favorably than Ben. Sequence matters because it forms first impressions. Subsequent information may get lost. Good content writers are sensitive to such nuances and craft content to make a good impression.

When customers have a great experience on your website, they most likely will assume you are a good company to work with or buy from. Once that momentum occurs, it’s important to affirm the customer’s positive perception with consistent, high value content.