How Many Articles Have You Published This Year?

B2B companies can manage their brand and build credibility by publishing well-written, quality articles.  It is a cost effective way to become a trusted resource to a targeted market. Article publishing ranked highest in B2B content marketing tactics used in a recent survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs. The survey also showed that as content marketing budgets increase the number of companies outsourcing the writing of articles has increased.

For those unfamiliar with the process of creating quality articles for well-respected publications, I’ve outlined some important factors for achieving publication goals.

Know what publications your customers like and what their customers like reading

For instance, if you sell ingredients to a food manufacturer who sells to grocery stores, know what information sources the manufacturer relies on as well as what the grocery store managers rely on.

Target the right publication

Read and follow the publication to get familiar with what they publish and who there audience is. Do you want to be published in industry magazines, websites, trade associations news, blogs? You can find a list of publications by industry at Webwire or simply search online using your industry name followed by the word “publications” or “blogs” to find popular publishers.

Focus your topic

For example, “Nutrition for Athletes” is too broad a topic for an ingredient supplier targeting athletic trainers. “What to Eat on Game Day?” was published. In such an article the source and quality of ingredients can describe the efficacy of its nutritive value. The manufacturing process implemented to preserve that value can also be explored. A focused topic may appeal to multiple layers of audiences. You can showcase your expertise and that of your customer.

Convince the editor/blogger

When you know what publications to target and have narrowed your topic there are lots of B2B magazines and blogs that publish byline articles. Email the editor and in a concise message include the following:

– Why the article will appeal to their audience

– What the article is about

– Your credentials for writing the article

– Your contact information

Be original

Research your topic to find out what has already been written on the subject. Find the gap and fill it. Assign or hire a professional writer to gather and interpret the information. A good writer will interview sources and find the words to convey your ideas and engage the audience.

Build relationships

Deliver good content, adhere to guidelines and meet deadlines. Doing so will make you a valuable resource to the editor.

Find a talented, dependable writer

If you don’t want to deal with all the research and relationship building involved in creating a well-written, quality article outsource it to a professional writer you can count on to promote your brand and position your company as a trusted resource.