Eleven Rules for Better Email Engagement…

B2B email boasts one of the highest returns on investment – $37.28 per dollar spent, according to the Direct Marketing Association. So how do you ensure your return on investment? Follow my common sense rules to engage B2B buyers with email marketing.

1)      Tell me the payback.

Offer a special report for signing up. Let me know what you are going to send me and how often.

2)      Tell me what’s it’s about in 35 characters or less.

Studies show short subject lines are more effective than long ones.

3)      Tell me something new.

Keep content fresh. Offer new products, new ideas, new points of view.  If I think I’ve seen it before, I won’t read it. Avoid email fatigue.

4)      Tell me the best part of the story.

If I like it, I will read on. Don’t bury the best part in the third paragraph. I may never get there.

5)      Tell me with pictures.

Images communicate faster than words. You only have a few seconds to convince a B2B buyer to read more.

6)      Tell me with video.

Demonstrate your product if you can. But keep it short.

7)      Tell me how to connect with you.

On Twitter, on Linked-In, on Facebook, and via email. Build relationships.

8)      Tell me it’s OK to share your content.

Make it easy to share on Facebook, Linked-In and other social networks.

9)      Tell me who you are.

Show your personality, your heart — even if you are a big company. I like to know who I am doing business with.

10)   Tell me what I should do next.

Make it obvious. Request a quote, call for more info, or buy.

11) Tell me you know me.

Personalize my message and tailor it to my interests.

My rules are simple, but often broken. Align email marketing objectives with customer interests – it doesn’t work any other way.