Five Tips on Web Writing That Engages

Web writing that engages allows visitors to quickly find what they need, reduces task errors, is memorable, and leaves the visitor feeling satisfied. Recently, a successful B2B graphic designer exclaimed: “Good writers are gold.” Content is what makes a website valuable. Whether big or small, all companies can benefit from web writing that engages visitors.


SEO experts emphasize the need for quality content to drive traffic to a website. A good tagline that says who you are and what you do lets the visitor know right away that they are in the right place. Headlines that include a benefit will catch visitors’ attention. Copy should start with the conclusion, followed by supporting information, and finish with an overview or background of the issues.


A visual hierarchy prioritizes content for the visitor. This reduces  their cognitive load. It allows them to quickly scan and hone in on what they are looking for.  Use fonts, color, weight and size to position content that will entice the visitor to engage with your content.


Website visitors respond more to objective rather than promotional writing. Get rid of unnecessary adjectives. Concentrate on being concise. Answer the questions your audience asks. They are there seeking information. Deliver.

Build Trust

Use the About Us page to let visitors know who you are and what you do, the benefits they’ll receive, and how you are different from your competitors – in one paragraph.  Add a brief story about who started the company and why. Company history reveals what your capabilities are. It also gives visitors a glimpse at company values. Include links to executive profiles, testimonials, awards, accomplishments and press releases to reinforce the reputation you’ve built.


If your content could appear on a competitor’s website something is wrong. You have not found what differentiates you from your competitors. This is often the case with professional service firms. Your content should make you stand out. When appropriate, embrace the differences with a celebratory tone.  People like associating with companies who know who they are.

Just as in spoken language, nuance is important. In writing for the web the choice of words, their position and tone all play a part in engaging and satisfying. When you optimize your content for easy consumption, you entice. When you educate, you build trust. When you differentiate, you become memorable.

Please share your thoughts on what makes website writing engaging in the comments below.