Can Neglected Websites Be Saved By Content Strategy?

A neglected website is one that has not been updated in the last year, has no visible way of sharing its content, may have an outdated graphic/navigation design, and does not influence visitors’ attitudes or reasons to act.

Today, I am going to share a video interview with Colleen Jones, author of Clout: The Art and Science of Influential Web Content. In the video below she talks about how a good content strategy can revive neglected websites. She also stresses the importance of a content audit, online ecosystems, processes, and context.   She is an industry leader, advising companies on how to make content more influential. Listen to this.

To summarize, a first step to reinvigorate a neglected website is to conduct a content audit. Is your content relevant and useful? Fill the gaps and eliminate old, ineffective content. Is it meeting your goal? Prioritize. To prevent future neglect of your website, create a process for updating and assign appropriate people to execute your content strategy. How do you ensure your website content is maintained properly?