Can an Online Product Demo Help Your Sales?

Is your sales force sending mixed messages? Are your marketing materials gathering dust in the reception area? Do you want your content to sell products? A product demo can generate qualified leads and be shared on multiple platforms including sales team laptops and YouTube. Product demos can help ensure a consistent message and maximize your return on investment by engaging your prospects.

First, figure out what your objective is. Do you want to introduce new product features or simply show what the product does to make prospects’ work life easier? How will it align with your business goals?

Second, how much production do you need? Find the resources you need to produce the demo. An affable, knowledgeable salesperson or engineer may take the leading role or you may want to produce a 3D animation. Whichever, make sure your product appears in a nicely staged setting.

Here is an example I found on YouTube.  The WD-40 Company has their VP of  Research and Development, Dr. Ernie Bernarducci, talk about the New Smart straw applicator, the big blast can with wide mouth applicator, and a new no mess pen – as well as a brief mention of existing products. He gives credit to customers for sharing their ideas on WD-40 uses and then finishes with a call for action. Currently, the video demo has been viewed by 31,607 people.

Product demos can be put on your website, in your newsletter, and shared through social media networks and email using links. Content should focus on what the product does and benefits of use, followed with a call for action.

Another approach is to use animation such as this one from Spirax Sarco, a company that sells products using steam, air and industrial fluids. Their audience is industrial and commercial users. This 30-second animation has had 8,344 views on Youtube. I think it could have been more effective had they included a voice over narrator describing what the product is, who uses it, and where one can be found. But, it is an effective way to show the internal parts of a complex mechanism.

Services and software solutions can also be demonstrated. Constant Contact E-mail services can be viewed through a Product Tour available on the website.

A well-crafted script for the demo can help keep your message consistent and focused. Let your product spring to life right before the eyes of those who will benefit most from its use.  When your customers need to see before they believe, create a product demo.