Put your subscription box in a prominent place and allow visitors to subscribe vie email or RSS feed.
Encourage subscriptions by providing an offer for something useful and valuable. Create a landing page with the offer and an easy signup process.
Include buttons so posts can be shared on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Mobile usage is growing dramatically. WordPress now has some plug-ins that will do this for you, or consider a new theme that is already mobile friendly.
Once someone’s interested, get them to stay longer on your site by promoting some of your most popular posts.
Learn how to write titles and metatag descriptions to improve rankings on search engines.
Provide links directly to your services or products. Make it easy for people to buy.
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you could probably benefit from making a few changes.
For a complimentary review of your current blog email me. We’ll be happy to provide you with some suggestions for a blog makeover. Content for Biz can help you take your blog to the next level.