List Six Traits You Like About Your Customers

Why do you and your customers choose each other? When you get the answer to that question, you can engage them with passion and purpose through your website content, blog, or newsletter.

A lot of content focuses on solutions and providing services directed to a customer’s “pain” points. What if you add customers’ passions? It is estimated that 10% of customers account for more than 50% of a company’s profits.

From Pain to Passion

Going from pain to passion requires uncovering what traits you like most about your customers and what your customers like most about you. I discovered in informal interviews with B2B companies that these were traits they liked best in their customers.

Reliable: Adheres to schedules, produces what’s needed, and pays on time.

Trustworthy: Is honest, loyal and forthright.

Grateful: Acknowledge they are well served and show appreciation.

Forgiving: Understand that no one is perfect all of the time.

Strategic: Able to think things through as partners to a favorable outcome.

Knowledgeable: Generous in sharing what they know.

Identify 6 Traits Your Customers Like About You

You can use the traits you like in customers to find what customers like about you. A simple survey will do. You may include Yes, No, Sometimes as answer selections. This example uses the above results to frame questions:

–      Do we adhere to schedules and produce what’s needed on time?

–      Can you depend on us to be honest and forthright?

–      Do you feel appreciated by XYZ Company?

–      If we admit a mistake, will your forgive us?

–      Did we find a satisfying solution to your problem?

–      Do we adequately share our expertise with you?

Understanding what you like and what your customer’s viewpoint and perceptions are makes you a better communicator. Your content can reflect that.

Share the traits you like most about your customers here.