Facebook Post.”
The research is based on more than 32,000 Facebook posts representing a wide range of clients and 42.6 million Facebook fans over about a four-month period.
Engagement is measured by comments, likes and shares/divided by the number of fans for a particular stream or page. Data was also analyzed for two subsets: consumer package goods and quick serve restaurants.
Here are the key take-aways:
Image posts scored highest. They scored 22% higher than video posts and 55% higher than text posts. Image posts received 54% more engagement than text posts.
Overall, fans engage more on Fridays than any other day, and least on Sundays. Friday posts were just 7% more effective than Mondays, but 67% higher than Sunday. The most effective post day varies by industry. Wednesday proved best for quick service restaurants, while Thursday was highest among consumer package goods companies.
Posts made before noon achieved 65% higher engagement among fans. This same true for consumer products goods, but for quick service restaurants, the opposite was true.
Thanks to Vitrue for providing information to help better engage fans on Facebook. You can download the full report here. Give these strategies a try and let us know how they work for you.
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