How to Measure and Reduce Website Bounce Rates

Do you know how many visitors come to your site page and leave without viewing other pages? In the world of web analytics this measurement is called the bounce rate. In practice a likely scenario is people enter a search term in their browser, open the page, realize it isn’t what they want, hit the “back” button and continue with their search.

How to Measure Bounce Rates

There is no single tool or source to answer all your web analytics questions. But quantitative data on bounce rate is easy to find. You can learn how visitors arrive at your site, what they do while there, and a history of your bounce rate per page using Google Analytics or Yahoo Analytics, both free. In Google Analytics under Traffic Sources> All Traffic Sources on the left sidebar, each source page is measured with a percentage bounce rate. The average of these sources is the site bounce rate. If your bounce rate is 70% that means 70 out of 100 visitors are not engaging with your site. Watch for trends.

How to Reduce Bounce Rate

The average bounce rate on a site is 50%. Reduce your current bounce rate by implementing these ideas.

Experiment and be patient. You won’t see results over night. Give it two weeks and measure your rate after implementing these ideas. Take notes on what you tried and what was effective. Let me know what results you get.