Content Expands Customer Experience brand strategist Valeria Maltoni posted: Does Your Brand Have the F-Factor? Referring to friends, fans and followers. The influence of social networks on buying preferences is becoming so pervasive and persuasive that marketers are looking for F-Factor possibilities.

Maltoni writes: “The biggest opportunity for brands is still to provide content that expands and improves the experience around a product or service. To build relationships with the people who choose to be inside that experience around what the brand makes.”

Who Follows the Ordinary?

How do I create content for a client that provides an ordinary, everyday service but later surprises me by naming well known celebrities and professional athletes who have used their services? The possibility for endorsements is limited because celebrities don’t want to be associated with an ordinary, everyday service. Their privacy is of concern to my client as well.

I focus on making potential and repeat customers feel good for making the right decision. I offer some pizzazz by including names of high line brands used with the service. Next, I find social footprints of people who follow these brands on Twitter and Facebook and listen in on some forums to help my client see the possibility for sharing and increasing the company’s F-Factor.

Become Extraordinary

Unfortunately for some marketing managers and companies the time factor rules out the F-Factor. This doesn’t need to be the case because outsourcing is available at a reasonable rate. What I like about my client is their openness to try something new. Also, they are trustworthy and care about quality. Their ordinary, everyday service becomes extraordinary through the care and craftsmanship they offer.

I am excited now. I want my client to prosper from a friend’s recommendation, share praise from a fan, and know why followers appreciate their insider news. The relationship is expanded and improved for both company and customer. How are you working on building your F-Factor?