Can a Holiday Inspire Your Content?

Today is Valentine’s Day, a holiday many people think was invented by greeting card companies. Not so, say historians. It actually became a sanctioned holiday by the Catholic Church near 498 AD. Greeting cards hadn’t become commercially available until the 1840s. What does this have to do with business to business content?

Misconceptions occur when information is not readily available. I was recently hired to write content for two B2B companies in different industries. When I went to their websites I could not tell what they did and for who they did it. At first glance, I mistakenly thought one was a printer and the other a sports equipment dealer. In reality they are a graphic design firm selling to nonprofit publishers and the other personal trainers for executive management. Spell it out. Your brand and identity depend on it.

Second, ideas or products can be fluent and when allowed, evolve into something greater. While Valentine’s Day started as a religious holiday it sustains its popularity in secular society because people like one aspect of it – expressing romantic sentiments to their beloved. Greeting card companies fill that desire. Think of your business history and how it has evolved. What is the thread that runs through it and how has it evolved? The About Us page may be a great place to tell this story.

Relying on that thread, your history becomes clear and engaging. February 14th became more than a day on the calendar. Good content can distinguish your company as something more than a manufacturer, supplier, or service provider.

These other holidays have been officially designated by Congress and/or calendar makers:

August 16th – National Joke Day

September  21 – World Gratitude Day

October 16 – National Bosses Day

November 21 – World Hello Day

We will have to see how long they last. Tell your customers now how much you appreciate them. Let your content say “You’re important”, “We’re here to serve” and “We’ll give you more.”  No chalky-tasting hearts required.